Cesar Rampe
the photopoet
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Wings of a Fairy
Coventry is going to shake like a bomb that caused the night, silently
and disconnecting from the impact that it could cause.
She, with the city, rejected the afusellament that the destí had reserved.
Sota l'empedrat faced the palpitava ressò of the war.
Dins d'ella, el record de les veus que durant 21 dies havien mossegat la seva ment.
Delusional disorder.
“Senyoreta, you are at the bell mig del no-res. The people just go to refer-se…
"What are you talking about?" - the taxi driver will ask her.
“I've been waiting for surfing” - he will respond ironically.
"Surfing? Haha, doncs has arrived at bon port.
“Here I will learn to find balance on the waves of a tsunami.”
“La veritat és que vinc a veure el meu germà” – la noia es va sincere.
“It's here for the pilot's license” - she says.
“Llavors la seva mar seran els núvols…” - the taxi driver will mutter.
Through the car window I observed the greyness of the environment,
with the six freds and prefabricated buildings.
To the scoundrel of England they say: “Keep on good minyó or they will take you cap to Coventry.”
The car is going to quietly enter the 'Ring road',
a complex circular circuit of roads and roundabouts facing the metropolis.
“Hi ha 'ring roads' to the cell, Nathan?”
- I had asked his German while he was gone.
“Hey, there's a whole bunch of roads!
It is possible to fly to any height whenever you communicate to the tower.
The entire route is controlled by radar.
Furthermore, there are also fares for airplanes:
Unidirectional antennas and fins for all 360° mobile radars.
What else do you want to know, germaneta?”
“Miss saying something…” - ara ja bromejava. - “How are you piloting… on which horizon is most appropriate?”
“Depending on weather conditions”
- I had answered her for a surprise.
“To the Regne Unit they change constantly. If for example a sale of 200 nusos buffets at this address…”
-Havia dit Nathan assenyalant the map.
“Millor t'ho pinto.” Marcant-lo is going to affect both a retoolator.
“Are you just painting the map?” she asked.
"Yeah. Look, I also painted a pastanaga.”
Aleshores, in moments like those,
The seves ales trencades seem to heal.
Wings of a fairy.
If they were lucky, she would learn to fly!
The taxi will arrive at the end of the journey.
The taximeter talked about how much it was worth creating the city.
He's going to surround the wallet.
A coin goes crazy.
He goes to collir-la, together with a card that someone had lost.
This saying:
“Plant smiles.
Grow laughter.
Harvest love.”
Who is the one with which dreams arise just in the most delicate moments?
“Gràcies” - the taxi driver will tell you to collect.
Below the ullers a glass ull shone.
“Vostè... marxi millor to London.”
“Thank you, I prefer Coventry”
- She will respond by teaching the teeth and opening the door.
“I like the rants.
“After a level night, you face the spring sun more comforting.”
📷 from Creative Commons CC
📝 by Cesar Rampe